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Jonathan Helps People Solve Chronic Pain, Depression & Anxiety, When Traditional And Alternative Medicine Have Failed Or You Believe Nothing Can Be Done  


A New Way To Solve Chronic Pain, Anxiety & Depression. Start Feeling Alive, Confident Strong And Free  

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I will never forget the look on my children’s faces when I took hold of both my son and daughter’s hand at the same time as in the past they had to take it in turns to hold my good hand.  Priceless!

—  Libby Steggles Ginn 

What Do You Need Help With?

Benefits Of Working With Me 

Save Money 

Most people waste a lot of money on therapies that don't work for them. I will show you exactly what you need to do to get better.

Save Time 

A lot of people spend so much time going from doctor to therapist and getting nowhere, I will save you time by getting rid of your pain so you can get on with doing the things you love.



Fast Results 

A lot of my clients resolve their pain within 1-2 months, regardless of how long they have been suffering, because I address the root cause of the problem.


A New Understanding 

The way pain is looked at today sadly doesn't work. If you really want to solve your pain you need to look at it differently and gain a new understanding of your mind and body. 

Missing piece 

The main reason people don't get rid of their pain is because solving pain is like solving a puzzle. You need all the pieces.

Pinpoint Root Cause 

Most therapists only ever treat the symptoms of a problem which is why people suffer for so long. I will pinpoint the root cause and help you start living your life again. 



My mission is to change the way people view pain so they see it as something that can be overcome and not just managed.


I founded Decoding Pain in 2010 to show how pain can be switched off using the right techniques.


The 3 Mistakes People Make Trying to Solve Their Pain


The DTO System

Need Help?

Get In Touch

Essex, United Kingdom  |  Tel: 07775 647962

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Discover why your

diagnosis might be wrong

 and how that can stop you healing your pain. 


Enter your details to read the first 3 chapters of my book and receive my newsletter for free

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I would highly recommend Jonathan and urge anyone thinking of visiting jonathan to take a chance and give him ago you will be amazed at what results he can achieve ,if I hadn't taken that chance I would still be in pain if not a lot worse.

—  Mellisa Harris 


I would highly recommend Jonathan and urge anyone thinking of visiting jonathan to take a chance and give him ago you will be amazed at what results he can achieve ,if I hadn't taken that chance I would still be in pain if not a lot worse.

—  Mellisa Harris- 2 years of foot pain

Hundreds Of Happy Clients 

Click on an image to read their success story 
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Read about the exact formula that Jonathan uses for getting people out of pain when nothing else has worked 

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Listen to Jonathan being interviewed about chronic pain on the back hope summit

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Watch jonathan talking about his book The Emotional Blueprint To Healing Chronic Pain Forever 

Decoding Pain - The Book 

You can now purchase my book from Amazon in hard copy and kindle or you can purchase a PDF version direct from this website 

Facebook Live Videos 

In my Facebook lives I share the best information I know from  my 20 years experience to help you solve your pain, its the exact information I share with my 1-1 clients to help them solve their pain 

My Vision.......

That one day pain and suffering will be a thing of the past, that illness and disease will no longer exist and we will all live healthy happy lives. 


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Kerrys anxiety, Depression, Pain Gone On A Few Months 

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